Hi there! I just wanted to update everyone on my life. Not that it is super important ha.ha I just have decided to try and blog a little more about all aspects of my crazy life. So far this is what has been going on.
* Yours Truly: is just chillin. lol actually this year I made a pack with myself that I would try and make my life easier. I tend to want to complicate my life by adding things that are not necessary. Projects on top of projects!! My to do list has been shrinking and I have tried to organize my life in a way that allows me to have days off. Like take a nap, lay on the couch, catch up on Netflix all while the kids are in school kind of day off!! do I hear an AMEN!? because honestly ever Mom deserves it. I deserve it!! Those days are so rewarding that I work extra hard to keep my life organized so I am able to take full advantage of them!! My project list is still growing don't get me wrong. I will do some here in the near future but because we currently don't have a lot of extra cash I have to pick and choose the most important ones first.
*The hubby: currently he is in Law School and he's on his 2nd semester and is loving it!! He made it on the Dean's list last semester and is currently working towards doing better then he did! He is one goal-getter and of course just amazing! oh and I can't forget on his days off he helps me with laundry and cleaning! love that man to pieces!! He still rolls his eyes when I demand ask him to help me with projects around the house. It's ok he is a work in progress ha.ha one day he will learn to love it! xoxox
*Sadie Bear: She had been struggling
in her old school and we switched her to the school close to our home.
She has been doing so well now and is finally reading and feeling
confident in herself. The heart of a teacher truly matters! You can put
your kid in an A+ school but if the teacher has no desire to be patient
or motivate your child then what is the use. Sadie's new teacher really
praises and motivates her and so when she comes home its easier to help
her and get her started on homework! and any parent can testify that
getting a child excited about doing homework is a very difficult and
emotionally draining task. I am one happy mom seeing her amazing
*Riley: Started Pre-school
early to help with speech. He tested high cognitively for his age but
his articulation and speech were low. He struggled so much at first to
get on the bus and leave me. (so did I) but he now gets on the bus on
his own and looks forward to painting and doing fun things with his
class. He talks a lot more and is really trying to use his new sounds.
He is such a goofy kid always making our family laugh!
is what is going on with us in a nut shell! We are happy, we are well
and most importantly we are blessed. Hopefully soon I can post some of
the projects I have been working on! xoxo
For now here is a few pictures of our last adventure! the Phoenix Zoo on a HOLIDAY! it was crazy busy and I actually was a witness in a parking lot brawl. Police were called and I had to be a witness and explain how crazy the lady had gotten over a parking spot. A parking SPOT! people these days!
Good night!
This little guy is a ladies man! |
The Map girls I don't think they even saw any animals because they were so busy trying to figure out their exact location and what was ahead! haha |
Sadie Bear |
Riley |
finger painting after the Zoo |
Painting nemo |
All the cousins joined in the fun |
I love this picture! I might have to print and hang it somewhere |
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