I am a little embarrassed that this past year I have only blogged 1 time! and that was to Welcome 2016! I have been busy! It sure was great to read last years post and see all the new things our family has been up to! Jose has been so happy in school and is now on his very LAST semester! Can you hear those angels singing Hallelujah?? because I definitely can jiji He has had some fun adventures in school. He has been a part of some great programs as well as events. I cannot speak for him so maybe if time permits I will have him edit this post and add a highlight of his year... What I can say is that he has been part of a program at school that helps immigrant children who are now in the foster system and it has been very rewarding, he also got to sit at a table with high school students and talk about his career choice, his sacrifices to get here and what he would do differently. He is helping coordinate a monthly event sponsored by our church and supported by ASU to help the community with immigration questions and family law issues, I got to hear him on the radio and pretty much cried in the car... because I'm just that kind of wife :) He has been up to a lot and love watching him grow!! His weeks are always full of things to do for school, church, family but he always squeezes time in for soccer! all in all 2016 has been a great year for this guy! Sadie this year is in 3rd grade and getting more beautiful! She loves being active and recently got braces. I always admire her strength. Since she has had them on she has not complained or cried. It is pretty amazing. She has lots of friends and of course boys that are friends.. I am worried that she will be so boy crazy but it is soo funny to see her squirm when we see a boy from her school hahah thata girl! that's exactly how mommy and daddy want her to be FOREVER or at least until college. Riley boy started Kindergarten this year and has learned to read right away. In his previous school for speech all they focused on was sounds and articulation. I was really concerned he would be behind in class this year but he has thrived. He loves school and is sooo particular as to how he does homework. He even double checks my work and makes sure I signed off on his calendar.. "mommy did you sign?, did you have me count to 100 and do my sight words?" he is a hoot. He still loves to draw and has been so focused on that! He loves setting the item in front of him and patiently drawing it. I love to see his creativity come to life. Last but not least ME this year has been great My career in Real Estate is moving along really well. This was my first full year!! and I sold 16 homes! and became a Multi-Million Dollar Producer! whoop whoop! I truly have been so blessed this year and because of that we were able to hit some financial goals this year that I was sure would not happen until my husband got a J.O.B. There have been some miracles in 2016 and for that I thank my Heavenly Father everyday for allowing me to provide for my family and for truly knowing what we need when we need it. I am also so grateful to my family, my clients and my friends who refer clients to me and who believe in me. I could not of done this with out you! This next year we have some big goals and dreams. #1 is to graduate and pass the bar! #2 sell lots and lots of houses #3 the most important is to add another baby to this family. 2016 was not our year for that but I pray next year we may be able to add to our family. Our kids pray daily for it and although there are times I get very frustrated with the situation. I know its in the lords hands and in his Timing. I think if I zoom out on 2016 I will see the bigger picture and realize that was the lesson I had to learn this year. I think that theme has applied to most everything I did this year. "It is all in God's timing". Now that I have learned it, I have to apply it and hope 2017 is a good year for my family.. I hope it brings health, wealth, peace, joy, family, laughs, and great memories! I pray you an your family have a great rest of the year and that amazing things happen for your family as well!!
Here are a few fun things pics of this year! I know there were many more highlights this year but I can't sit still an upload 1,000 pictures! :) enjoy!
Valentines Day! For every dot they put on each other they had to say what they loved about each other! it was a cute game! |
Easter 2016
I Raced my 22 medal, fast running, tiny leg, old man. Winner finally claimed this vintage 1968 Chevy Pick up. He lost! I won! He was one sore loser!...literally! Sorry Pops this Truck is mine now! hopefully in 2017 I can fix it up ! |
Kids Loved Soccer! Riley enjoyed snack time and once the season was over NOW he wanted to play!! |
My 30th Birthday!!! |
Sadie was Baptized by her Papi! |
Summer break fun! spending time with the cousins and a trip to Lego land. |
First day of school and a week later this guy turned 5!!
2 Sweet boys were added to our family in 2016! Remley and Conrad! |
Jose at a Law Event looking Dapper. It only took him 2hrs, cross eyed in front of the mirror and 5 YouTube videos to figure out how to tie his bow tie but he did it and did a mighty fine job. |
Jose was in the paper a couple of times! Proud Mama bear moment for me! All the people he has met this year have been wonderful!! |
The beach with the BARRIOS Clan!! and celebrating Jose's Birthday on the Beeech |
Brace face!! The cutest girl! |
Me and my fancy plaque! whoop! |
I really hope you all have a wonderful 2017!!
May 2017 bring you the very best! I love you mija! xoxo